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Welcome to Reignite Your Heart

Thank you for joining me on my new quest of sharing Jesus with as many people as possible and encouraging believers in their walk with the Lord. I would like to take a moment to share my

journey with you so you can see how Reignite Your Heart got started. There have been many moments in my Christian walk that I have felt lost and alone. There were many times when I wondered if God could hear me or was anywhere around. It is what I would call being in the valley or the desert in my journey with God. I knew what Scripture said in my head but I had a much harder time getting that truth down into my heart. Does this sound familiar to any of you?

I recently had a conversation with my mom where she reminded me that it is in the times of difficulty that we tend to stretch and grow the most. When things are going great there is no need to grow. This is so true! Well, this last year was probably the most difficult year of my life as I am sure that is true for a lot of you. What a crazy journey we have all been on! But it is through this journey last year that the Lord has made Himself more real to me than ever before. As I look back at all I have had to go through I see the Lord's hand working through all of it as He provided for me and brought me closer to Him! Right before everything began to fall apart for me, the Lord brought a group of ladies into my life that there is no way I could have put together myself, even if I wanted to. This is a whole other story! It is through the encouragement and support of these ladies that eventually Reignite Your Heart was born.

As the Lord continued to draw me closer to Him during this time I began to experience His peace even though things around me were falling apart. I knew He was close to me and He was leading and guiding me. I began to trust Him like I never had before. Even now things are still crazy but the Lord is in control and He is guiding me. He has placed such a desire in me to reach out to others to share the love of Jesus with as many as will listen. He also put a desperate desire in my heart to encourage the Christian that is struggling to hold on to their relationship with Jesus because of the struggles they are facing. I understand what this feels like. In the past I had felt so alone but as the Lord softened my heart, He opened my eyes for me to see that He has always been with me and that He would never leave me just as is said in Joshua 1:9.

I want to encourage my Christian brothers and sisters to stay strong in the Lord for it is so easy to slip away. As we are distracted by our circumstances, we can slowly drift away from the Lord instead of holding firmly on to Him. It is important to remember what 1 Peter 5:8 states, "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." Satan is wanting to destroy us and he will do that in any way possible. As I was in my darkest times I needed some Christian sisters to come alongside me to tell me the hard truths of Scripture as well as the beautiful promises of Scripture and I believe that it was through these women that my life was drawn back to the Lord. He used them to reach my heart for Him again. He began to flame that flickering flame in my heart that was about to go out with His love, mercy and grace as He called me back to Him. As He fueled that flame with His love it became an inferno where I can't help but share about His goodness and the truth of His Words.

I have discovered through this time that we desperately need each other as fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord to hold onto one another, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable. If it wasn't for this group of Christian sisters that the Lord brought to me I would have slowly drifted away into the raging sea of this world. They brought me back to reality and supported me as I struggled along in rediscovering the truth of Scripture and falling passionately in love with the Lord all over again! I want to be that for you, as they were this for me. We need each other. So let us journey down this path together as we all reignite one heart at a time for the love of Jesus! May God bless you and keep you! Thank you for being with me here and may the Lord receive all the honor, glory and praise!

Blessings in Christ's name,


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